The Enneagram & Relationship to Self

Enneagram expert Hunter Mobley returns to Woodmont with a 3-week series “The Enneagram and Relationships.”

  • Week 1, Sept. 25: “Relationship to Self”
  • Week 2, Oct. 2: “Relationship to Others”
  • Week 3, Oct. 9: “Relationship to God”

The Enneagram is a centuries-old tradition that describes nine personality-based approaches to life.

Focusing on motivation, rather than behavior, the Enneagram helps us discern both our brokenness and our path toward healing. By understanding our Enneagram type (one of nine numbers, 1-9), we begin a lifelong journey of spiritual work to move beyond episodic meaning and inherited patterns of behavior to wholeness and transformation. Hunter’s teaching style is winsome, conversational, and based in the narrative tradition of storytelling.
