Returning to the Sanctuary

The Woodmont Board met on Monday night, June 8, and approved a 2020-21 operating budget that is now being presented to the congregation. The details are in this Inspire. The budget is essentially a flat budget from this current fiscal year. There will be a Congregational Meeting following the drive-in worship service on Sunday, June 21, at 10 AM. At that time, the congregation will vote on both the leadership slate and the operating budget. Please reach out beforehand if you have any questions, concerns, or need clarification. Installation of the new Board Members, Elders, and Deacons will be on Sunday, June 28th – at the 9:15 drive-in service. Again, we are asking our church members to continue supporting the church at their current giving level. If you are able to do more, that is great. We are trying to maintain the momentum that our church has built in recent years.
Many are asking when we will return to worship inside the building. Many churches are trying different approaches. The board made the decision Monday that we will wait until Davidson County enters Phase 3 of its reopening plan before we offer a service inside. The health and safety of our congregation have been our top priority this entire time. That has not changed. Also, offering services inside is very complicated and certainly will not feel the same for quite a while. Once we move into stage 3, gatherings of up to 100 are allowed. We are doing our best to be good members of our community and to respect the wishes of Mayor Cooper, Metro health leaders, and the CDC. Just this week, Nashville was forced to remain in Phase 2 because there are still new COVID cases in Davidson County. However, we would like to go ahead and share the preliminary details of what the indoor services will look like before the actual date is announced as we are in the process of making preparations.
• The service will be at 10:30 AM; drive-in remains at 9:15 AM
• We will take RSVPs on the website for 100 people in the sanctuary and 100 people in Drowota Hall
• Social distancing will be expected between family units
• Every other row will be blocked off; chairs spread out in DH
• Initially, no nursery or Children’s Sunday School will be offered until a later date
• We encourage parents with smaller children (10 and under) to keep attending the drive-in services or to take turns coming to the indoor services
• There will be a deep cleaning of both the Sanctuary and Drowota Hall before the services
• There will only be instrumental music
• Facial coverings will be required for those attending the indoor services
• No passing the communion trays; individual element packets available at a later date
• Offering baskets will be placed by the doors and we continue to encourage online giving
• We will gauge how we progress based on the response and interest
Again, we will continue to offer the drive-in service at 9:15 AM and the online service because we believe that having multiple options has proven to be a good thing for Woodmont. Navigating this ongoing pandemic in a larger worship gathering is not easy. We are grateful that the drive-in services have been successful. As soon as Davidson County enters Phase 3, look for a date announcement. Continued prayers for all!
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