Your safe place

Introducing your team of highly-trained DivorceCare facilitators
Sept. 11 through Dec. 11, 2024
6:00 PM Wednesday evenings
Divorce, separation, and relationship crisis bring about a complex set of emotions such as depression, anxiety, fear, anger, grief, loneliness and more. We know firsthand because we’ve been there. Our doors are open to lead you through a 13-week healing process offering education, recovery, and peer support. You will experience understanding and encouragement through professional videos and honest discussion.
You are encouraged, but not required to come to all of the classes and you may join in at any time. We meet weekly in the fall and spring from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM in Room 111 (a.k.a. “The Bay Room”) on the lower level of our church next to the kitchen. Scholarships are available.
We provide a safe, confidential, and healing environment, and look forward to meeting you.
Email our DivorceCare Director, Anne Stauffer

Meet Michele Relic, our Hostess and CoFacilitator