Vision Matters

I want to thank our youth for leading worship this past Sunday. It was a joy to sit in the congregation and participate in this great tradition. We are very proud of all the graduating seniors and wish them well in college and the next chapter of life.
This past Monday night, many of us gathered in Carpenter Chapel to hear the initial reports of our twelve vision task forces (Worship, Small Groups, Leadership, Mission & Outreach, Reaching 35 & Under, Healing, Children & Families, Youth, the Bridge, Congregational Care, Technology & Communication, Fellowship & Events). Lots of hard work and brainstorming has gone into these task forces this spring and many great ideas have been generated for the future. We have affirmed many good things that we are doing and identified new ideas for the future. I had the chance to lead the leadership and vision task force this spring. I wanted to share what our group sees as being key priority areas for Woodmont’s vision moving forward.
• WORSHIP – We are committed to continuing to offer multiple worship styles to provide options on Sunday mornings; at the same time, we must work hard to connect existing members who are different ages and who attend different services; hospitality and welcome must remain a core value.
• MISSION – We are committed to being a “missional church” dedicated to “Seeking God, Sharing Love, and Serving Others,” impacting the Nashville community and beyond; keep driving home and unpacking this mission
• LEADERSHIP – We are committed to developing and training leaders for both the church and the world; this must be done intentionally and regularly through trainings, speakers, workshops, and mentoring
• SMALL GROUPS – We are committed to becoming a church “of” small groups not just “with” small groups; this is where community takes place and discipleship happens
• PURPLE CHURCH – We are committed to being a “purple church,” working to bridge the political divide in our culture; Republicans and Democrats need to be unified in Christ at the table
• CIVIL DIALOGUE – We are committed to fostering intelligent and informed conversation when it comes to controversial social and political topics, respecting the reality of multiple viewpoints
As a church, we will celebrate our 79th birthday this July. Woodmont has come a long way from its original founding at Woodmont School in the summer of 1943. May we be grateful for everything that is happening at our church and never stop visioning and planning for the future as we seek to discern what God is calling us to be and to do moving forward.
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