A Woodmont Vision – ”Eight at Eighty“

Vision always matters and a big part of my responsibility is to always be casting it to our leaders. As we celebrate Woodmont’s 80th birthday this month (1943-2023), I want to share with you some honest thoughts and a future vision for what I believe will continue to make our church vibrant and strong in the years ahead. Woodmont is a healthy congregation in an age where many other churches are declining. Therefore, it is important that we identify the primary factors that must continue to be present as we look to the years ahead. I will be preaching on this in Sunday’s sermon. I am calling this vision “Eight at Eighty.”
1. Christ-centered in ALL we do; Jesus and the gospel message must be the focal point of our church; Christ is our polar star and our foundation; Churches thrive when they remain focused on Jesus.
2. Study the Bible – We must read and study scripture so that it will guide and inspire us; scripture is how we come to know God and Christ; the Bible speaks to us at every age and stage; many church-going Christians today do not read and study the Bible on a regular basis; many are intimidated by the Bible; we must be in the word.
3. Inspiring Worship (touching heart, mind, soul); keep our different options – informal, contemporary, traditional; invest in better technology to enhance our live stream; do not be afraid of innovation; preaching must touch head and heart; music ministry is essential and nurtures the soul; consider a 4th Sunday service to expand our container; OR possibly think about starting a second location in Nashville which would require significant planning and investment.
4. Emphasize Small Groups – We are always starting new groups and training new small group leaders; real discipleship, growth, and connection happens in small groups so we want every member in a small group or class; if your small group has run its course, it might be time to start another one; small groups should meet at least monthly; small groups should also try to serve together; this is where community is built.
5. Empower Lay Leadership through ongoing classes and speakers; the more we empower leaders, the more ministry we can do; identifying gifts and strengths is important so people can serve and make a difference; our church is blessed with strong lay leadership.
6. Vibrant Children’s & Youth Ministry – Healthy churches are always welcoming new families and training the next generation of leaders; Parents and marriages need to be supported; discipleship starts when we are young; we must invest in the next generation.
7. Be a Purple Church – Christ over partisan politics; bring people together in a polarized and angry world; encourage civil dialogue and discussion on important topics; we are called to be Christians first.
8. Be a Healing Church; Jesus was always healing; We are reinvigorating our Center for Healing and Spirituality; offer recovery ministries, grief care, divorce care, AA, Alanon, Stephen Ministry, counseling, etc; the world is full of pain and brokenness; the church must offer healing.
I encourage you to give some thought and prayer to each of these eight areas and how you can help us move forward. I truly believe these are the major factors that will keep Woodmont healthy and vibrant for future generations. Ongoing financial stewardship, presence, and commitment is inherent in each of these areas.
We will begin working on a plan for the future of South Hall. At some point, that house will need to come down because of its age, space limitations, and deteriorating condition. We need to make intentional plans for what will go in its place.
Let’s also remember the importance of being a missional church that focuses outward to the community so that we can spread the love and hope of Christ. We are a beacon and a bridge. We are in the business of changing lives and offering new beginnings!
We ask God’s blessing on the future of Woodmont Christian Church.
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