Getting Ready for Fall!

Summer is quickly winding down, and our kids will be getting back into school very soon. Homecoming Sunday will take place on August 13 which will mark the beginning of our fall programming year. Invite a friend or family to come to worship with you that day! All of our children will move up to their new grade level and we will welcome the Nashville Pipes and Drums back to worship. Youth ministry programming will also kick off that evening. This is always a special day in the life of our church. Here are some things that you need to know about what is coming up:
• NEW SERMON SERIES ON ROMANS will begin on August 13. This is often viewed as Paul’s most important letter, and we will be taking a close look at it. I will be challenging and encouraging everybody to read and study it on your own during the series.
• “SETTING THE CULTURE” LEADERSHIP MEETING will be Wednesday, August 9, at 6:00 p.m. in the chapel. This meeting is for all Elders, Board, and Deacons. We will be talking about Woodmont’s culture, values, and mission as we get ready for the fall season.
• MINISTRY FAIR – will be on Sunday, August 20. This is a great day to get involved in a ministry of mission. Contact Jay Hutchens if your group or ministry would like to have a table set up
([email protected]).
• NEW! FIRST WEDNESDAYS will begin Wednesday night, September 6. On the first Wednesday of each month, we will have dinner in Drowota Hall at 5:30 p.m. and some excellent leadership speakers in Carpenter Chapel at 6:15 p.m. We are encouraging our leaders and anybody who wants to grow in leadership to come hear these speakers talk about the subject of leadership and purpose. Here is who we have lined up so far:
• Wednesday, Sept. 6 – Dr. Mike Glenn, Senior Pastor of Brentwood Baptist
• Wednesday, Oct. 4 – Dr. Greg Jones, President of Belmont University
• Wednesday, Nov. 1 – Scott Allender, Enneagram Speaker & Author
• Wednesday, Dec. 6 – TBA
• YOUTH LEADER SEARCH UPDATE – The youth search committee has been working very hard over the summer alongside Youth Ministry Architects. We have interviewed candidates from Oklahoma, California, Kentucky, Nashville, and other places. We are looking to find the right leaders for the future of our middle and high school ministry. Please keep this group in your prayers. Abby, Moriah, Russell, Graham, Ashley, and our sponsors are all doing a great job in the interim period and are ready for fall kickoff.
• INVITE SOMEBODY NEW – On Homecoming Sunday (and every Sunday), we encourage you to invite somebody to Woodmont who may be looking for a caring church family. We’d love to get them plugged in here. Our next Intro to Woodmont is also at noon on August 13.
Here’s to a busy but exciting fall!
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