A Simple Formula for Spiritual Growth in 2025

2025 is here! Woodmont has identified three focus areas for 2025:
1) Casting Vision – where we want to go
2) Small Groups – why they matter for growth
3) A Culture of Generosity – how we live.
We will be talking about these areas in the weeks ahead. A new year always brings new growth opportunities and a chance to start over. I like to begin with the following questions:
First, what did you learn in 2024? What lessons, good or bad, did the past twelve months bring your way? If we don’t learn from what we have been through, then we don’t grow.
Second, what areas of focus or new habits do you have for 2025? Can you identify a few areas where you need to do better? These can be different from resolutions. These can be guiding principles or healthier behaviors we are trying to implement.
Third, how can you make spiritual growth a higher priority in the new year? In addition to recommending John Mark Comer’s book “Practicing the Way,” here are some important thoughts on this area.
When it comes to our physical well-being, many people know that exercise, sleep, moderating alcohol, and eating right are all very important. Some people are absolute fanatics about their exercise routine and diet. When it comes to our mental and emotional state, most recognize that counseling, sustaining close friendships, and having healthy family dynamics can make a big difference.
So what about our spiritual lives? How can we take this area more seriously because it directly affects all of the others. Try this formula:
1. Carve out at least 15 minutes at the beginning of every day to read, pray, and reflect. This might be scripture or a devotional book but make it a part of your daily rhythm. Do not skip this important time. It will center you before you begin your day. You will find that your day is calmer and more measured.
2. Find a small group of friends that you can have deeper conversations with at least once a month. This could be three or four people that you trust and can check in with on a regular basis. Weekly is best but every other week or monthly is better than not having it at all. This builds community and accountability.
3. Take the fruit of the spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control – and identify the TWO you need most right now. Intentionally focus on those two and how you can better experience them. What changes need to be made for that to happen?
4. Begin to simplify what you can accomplish in a given day or week. So many people are trying to do far too much and it’s not going well. Be realistic about your commitments and don’t overdo it. Less is actually more. Being overwhelmed and spread too thin leads to ongoing stress and anxiety.
5. Practice sabbath one day a week. If we don’t worship, rest, reset, and recharge, we will run on empty. Too many people are running on empty. Our culture has neglected sabbath to its own detriment. This has to change.
These are five simple recommendations that might enhance your spiritual life in the new year. Consider it a starting point. Spiritual growth is never automatic but it goes a long way in being able to experience quality of life, life in all of its fullness. That’s something we all want in 2025!
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