Census Taker

The Environment:

You work for the Roman government. The government has called these peasant Jews back to their hometowns for a census that will likely be used to justify even higher taxes. It has been years since there was an accurate count of the Jewish population, and, because you need their assistance you are cordial and helpful, but you are also firm and businesslike.

You are not liked by the Jews and definitely are not trusted. So when weary travelers complain, you need to convince them that you are only doing your job. Maybe you suggest that after they’ve registered they can enjoy Bethlehem.

Your Job in the Role of Census Taker:

You will likely be the first costumed person that our guests encounter so please do your best to stay in character. As they enter the sanctuary, a member of each family is given a census card. Please encourage them to complete the cards (they likely will be already finished) and hand them to you. This is how we’re able to count how many visitors came throughout the day, where they came from, and whether they would like to be informed about future WTBs.

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