Making the wounded whole
The Center for Hope & Healing is a hub for Woodmont’s ministries of healing and spirituality. Through a range of holy and holistic offerings, we seek to bring deeper spirituality and healing into the lives of our members and our community.
There is a balm in Gilead
To make the wounded whole
There is a balm in Gilead
To heal the wounded soul
Sometimes I feel discouraged
And deep I feel the pain
In prayers the holy spirit
Revives my soul again
Healing happens here
Spirituality is a journey to deepen our relationships with God, ourselves, and each other. Offerings such as retreats, spiritual direction, coaching, and contemplative practices offer ancient, yet fresh, ways to connect with the divine. Woodmont offers a range of healing ministries, offering ways to heal the broken parts of our lives. We encourage you to follow the links to learn more about these vital programs.
In a world that encourages busyness and accomplishment, the holy can feel distant. Throughout the centuries, Christians have deepened their faith with a range of spiritual practices. Some refer to this as “Tending the holy.” Prayer and worship, familiar to most Christians, represent only a portion of practices that can deepen your faith and center your life in the holy. All offerings are open to both Woodmont members and the Nashville community.
Who we are

Ben Curtis
Dr. Ben Curtis, retired after more than four decades as Professor of Religion, Pastoral Care, and Spiritual Formation at Belmont University, is a Spiritual Director at the Center for Hope & Healing. He is available for individual spiritual direction and leads classes on Spiritual Formation.

Beth Patillo
Rev. Beth Pattillo is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) a certified Gallup Clifton Strengths Coach, and a spiritual director. She specializes in faith-based coaching using the Clifton Strengths Full 34 Report. Beth can also serve as a spiritual director, focusing on deep interior work and the inner life. You can connect with her at bethpattillocoaching.com.

Mary Clare Pyron
Mary Clare Pyron is a Wellness and Life coach and Nurse Practitioner. She received her coaching training through the Nurse Coach Collective. The blend of her nurse practitioner skills and nurse coach training equips her to look at the whole person — body, mind, and spirit. Mary Clare is a lifelong member of Woodmont Christian Church and is thrilled to be a part of the Center of Hope and Healing. Learn more and connect with Mary Clare at maryclare.coach

Sandy Smith
Sandy Smith is a spiritual director, retreat leader and facilitator. She joined Woodmont over 25 years ago, after moving to Nashville. Her Leadership Woodmont experience left her hungry to learn more about spiritual practices. She has served as Elder Chair and facilitated both Leadership Woodmont and Companions in Christ. Sandy is a graduate of the Shalem Institutes’ Spiritual Guidance Program and Soul of Leadership. Learn more at sandyclingansmith.com.

Vicki Askew
Vicki is a spiritual director and a trauma informed care Master Facilitator. She was trained in spiritual direction through Lipscomb University’s Program for Spiritual Formation and in trauma care through the Trauma Healing Institute in Philadelphia. Vicki was an active member of Woodmont Christian for several years and is still a part of the Connection Group that she joined when her membership was with WCC. Seeking and recognizing God’s presence in everyday life is one of her greatest joys and she loves walking with others to discover God in the mundane, the challenging, and the extraordinary. You can find out more and connect with Vicki at vickiaskew.com.
What We Offer
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction helps us experience the divine mystery of faith, through a wise and authentic conversation with a spiritual director. Much as a close friend might help you sort out life’s struggles, an experienced spiritual director offers new insights into your faith. A spiritual direction session is a deep, unhurried conversation about life in the light of faith. Where is God present in your life? How can you be more present to the divine in day-to-day life? If that piques your interest, reach out to one of our Spiritual Directors. Learn more here.
Faith-Based Clifton Strengths Coaching
Coaching with the Gallup Clifton Strengths Full 34 Report allows participants to understand their unique ‘how’ and to align their spiritual and church life with their natural, God-given strengths. Rather than seeking to correct weaknesses, Strengths-oriented coaching focuses on enhancing the ways that participants find success. This coaching provides renewed energy, focus, and joy and can be particularly helpful to those who are burned out or overly stressed. If you would like a no-charge consultation to determine whether Strengths-based coaching might be helpful to you, contact Beth.
Group Spiritual Direction
When like-minded people gather together to share their faith journeys, group spiritual direction is a powerful process. With guidance of a trained leader, each participant shares about their spiritual life with an open hearted, prayerful response from the group. Trust is an essential part of the process, as everything shared is held in confidence. These groups generally meet monthly for two hours to allow for spacious time together. Learn more here. Interested? Contact Sandy Smith.
Trauma Informed Care Group Sessions
Trauma comes in many forms and affects most of us at some point in our lives. In these sessions, we share our stories, learn to listen well to others who have experienced trauma, and find hope and healing through integrated, proven mental health and Biblical principles. The groups meet once a week for six weeks or over a two and a half day session. For more information, contact Vicki Askew.
Retreats and other Short-Term offerings
The Center for Hope & Healing team will offer retreats and classes to nurture your spirituality. Over time, we plan to offer Wednesday night classes, day-long retreats and overnight retreats at nearby retreat centers. As they are planned, these will be communicated through the Spire and other Woodmont communication. If you would like to be included in our Center for Hope & Healing email list, email Sandy Smith.
Where is the Center for Hope & Healing?
The Center for Hope & Healing is located within the former parsonage house behind Woodmont Christian Church at 2103 Valley Brooke Rd., Nashville, TN 37215