Begins Wednesday, Sept. 11, at 6:15 p.m. in Carpenter Chapel
One of the unique traits of Woodmont is our ability to hold people of differing political views and ideologies together through the love of Christ. This is what the Christian Church has always been about. Rather than seeing political diversity as something to be feared, we embrace it and utilize it as an opportunity for education and open dialogue. This is not always easy but it is worth it. Our nation remains polarized, full of outrage and very strong opinions. We can’t be afraid to discuss the issues that matter as we rapidly approach another presidential election.
This fall, we have an incredible lineup of speakers coming on Wednesday night to share their experience, perspective, & expertise to address this very issue. Starting on Sept. 11, dinner will be served in Drowota Hall at 5:30 p.m. and the programs will begin in Carpenter Chapel at 6:15 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 11 – Jim Nantz – CBS Broadcaster and Voice of the Masters – “Remembering 9/11, What Changed, & How Sports Can Unite Americans”
Wednesday, Sept. 18 – Samar Ali, Research Professor at Vanderbilt University – “Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, & America’s Involvement in the World”
Wednesday, Sept. 25 – Dr. John Sides & Dr. John Geer, Political Science Professors at Vanderbilt University – “Civility, American Politics, & the 2024 Election”
Wednesday, Oct. 2 – Senator Bill Frist, former U.S. Senate Majority Leader – “Life After the Senate: Priorities that Matter to All Americans”
Wednesday, Oct. 9 – Rev. Jay Hutchens, Dr. Clay Stauffer, Dr. Rubel Shelly, & Dr. Mike Glenn – “Being Christian in an Election Year”