G.E.M.S. (Greet, Eat, Meet, & Socialize)
Enjoy lunch and an educational program. Fourth Tuesday of each month at noon in Room 105. Contact Edith Johnston at [email protected]
Heavenly Helpers
Offer a helping hand to those in need of assistance. Contact Susan Batson at [email protected].
Sit & Stitch
Work on your latest needlework project with a group. Beginners and learners welcome. The group meets weekly every Thursday at 10 a.m. in the Gathering Hall. Contact Jeanie Taylor at [email protected].
Young Professionals & Young Adults
Meets first Tuesday evening of each month for dinner and discussion. Contact Moriah Domby Pirtle at [email protected]
Green Chalice Ministry

Our mission is to connect Christian faith, spiritual practice, and Christian fullness in order to better care for God’s creation. Activities centered on increasing recycling, resource conservation, and education about best practices.
If interested in getting involved, contact Steve Vining at [email protected]
Racial Bridges Ministry
It is our mission to build racial bridges and foster equity and inclusion in Nashville through education, activation, and building relationships. Contact Bob Faricy ([email protected]) or Karen Woolridge ([email protected]).
Visitation Group
Uplift those who are home-bound or convalescing. Lunch and visitation assignments on the third Monday of each month at 11:30 a.m. in Room 105. Group takes a break from June-Aug. Contact Liz Anne Allen at [email protected].
Book Club
Discuss current and classic books. Third Tuesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. Contact Betty Williams at [email protected].