Sunday mornings
9:30 AM Children’s Sunday School
During our 9:30 AM informal worship service, all children through 5th grade are invited to come to the chancel steps for the Children’s Moment. After the Children’s Moment, children follow their parents downstairs to the Kids’ Commons to meet their teachers for Sunday School.
If you attend our 9:40 AM The Bridge worship service, head south on the lower level of our building to drop your children off in the Kids’ Commons before service starts, between 9:30 AM and 9:40 AM.
This is our predominant hour of children’s ministry where we have our full range of children’s classes, teachers, and activities for our young families!
11:00 AM Kindergarten, Preschool, & Nursery Care only
For our 11:00 AM traditional worship service, we have a scaled-down version of our children’s program with only classes for Kindergarten and under:
1. Babies & toddlers can be dropped off in the nursery directly beneath the sanctuary
2. Our Kindergarten/Preschool class is downstairs on the south wing of our campus in Room 134.
Grace Notes
9:00 AM Grace Notes Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Grace Notes is our children’s choir for ages K-5th grade and focuses on praising God through song. In addition to healthy vocal singing, children learn to read music, play percussion instruments, and experience music improvisation. They rehearse on Sunday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. downstairs in the Kid’s Commons and sing quarterly for worship services and special occasions.
Email our Children’s Ministry Director, Abby McLean.

2024-2025 Registration
Help us place each child in the correct Sunday School class and watch over his or her health and safety by completing our 2024-2025 Registration Form.