Mary & Joseph

While the Virgin Mary holds a sacred place in our Christian tradition (see below), the Mary in our Bethlehem is a teen mother caring for her newborn in an animal pen. Joseph, her husband and proud father of Jesus, shares these lowly accommodations. Our manger likely is cleaner and warmer than the accommodations many years ago.

The manger area will be the last stop for our guests. Throughout their visit in the village, they will have been asked if they have heard about a special baby born in Bethlehem today. Most everyone will know the birth story so kids (and adults) will be curious about the baby and your accommodations in the manger. Many of the children will bring their rag dolls and gift them to the baby. Gently tell the children that they can look but not touch. Some of our staff will occasionally empty rag dolls from the crib. There will be hundreds.

You may be asked about your journey. It’s about 90 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem, so their trip was likely difficult and may have taken most of a week – especially for a soon-to-be mom.

Teens and young adults typically portray our WTB Mary and Joseph. As noted above the guests will be very interested and may ask questions. While we try to stay authentic in our portrayal of Bethlehem, requests for photos are common and reasonably accommodated.

(The Virgin Mary, also known as Mary, Mother of Jesus, holds a significant role in Christian traditions. According to the New Testament of the Bible, she was a young woman from Nazareth who received a divine visitation from the angel Gabriel. The angel informed her that she would conceive a child by the Holy Spirit and give birth to the Son of God, Jesus. Mary is revered for her unwavering faith and her willingness to fulfill this divine purpose. She is considered a symbol of purity, humility, and maternal love in many Christian denominations

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