9:30 AM Disciples Class – Room 105
Starts off each week with 15 minutes of good ol’ gospel singing, followed by a time of prayer. Lessons are Biblically based and include both lecture and group discussion. Contact Roy Stauffer at [email protected]
9:30 AM Christian Response to the 21st Century Class – The Boardroom
This class looks at current events and how scripture guides a Christian response based on social justice and the gospel. Contact Richmond Williams at [email protected]
10:45 AM The Life Class – The Bay Room
Lecture series with an audio podcast sent to you weekly. It is a safe, confidential, warm, healing space with coffee, a “fireplace,” and homemade bread. Taught by Rev. Anne Stauffer, this curriculum represents the cutting edge of science, neurobiology, and religion in the healing of trauma as a licensed center for the REACT/LYFT international trauma program. Contact Anne at [email protected]
10:45 AM Reflections Class – Room 200
The Reflections Class is comprised of singles and couples generally 60+ years old although all are welcome. We begin with a silent prayer period followed by prayers for others. Roy Stauffer chooses the topic and allows us through discussion to take it from there. Prayer, laughter, interactive discussion, and accompanying biblical background characterize a typical Sunday. Contact Roy Stauffer at [email protected]
10:45 AM Connections Class – Room 232
This class is taught and facilitated by Pastor Jay Hutchens and designed especially for people who are new to Woodmont as members or who have recently started visiting. Each week, the group has engaging conversation on a biblical text, a current event, or a point in the week’s sermon! It is a great way for people to meet others at Woodmont, make connections, and travel deeper into their faith walk. Contact Jay at [email protected]
11:00 AM Points of View – Room 105 & online
The Points of View class invites members to consider a variety of biblical and contemporary topics. Open, honest, and supportive discussion is a hallmark of the class and provides the means for spiritual growth and faith development. Recent topics include a new interpretation of the letters of Paul, the parables of Jesus in their earliest form, how to appreciate the beauty in other religions, and the autobiography of Father Charles Strobel, founder of Room In The Inn.
Current Study: Lies My Preacher Told Me: An Honest Look at the Old Testament, a Christian author’s look at the OT through a lens of appreciation rather than a lens of criticism.
For more information, contact Randy Smith at [email protected]