

The synagogue was the hub of life in the Jewish community. Given the proximity of Bethlehem to the city of Jerusalem, Bethlehem residents would likely have visited the Great Temple for the worship and offerings. There are synagogues in contemporary Bethlehem, but the most recent of those was established in the 1850’s. However, our depiction of the town of Bethlehem includes a synagogue since it was such an integral part of Jewish life.


The rabbi’s days are filled with prayers, studying scripture, religious services, and helping people better understand the religious laws, and teaching students. This is, of course, before the New Testament and the Jews still live in compliance to the Levitical Code with its many rules for daily living.

With the influx of people, your day is harried with regular classes and services, lighting of lamps, and the saying of prayers, etc.

Additionally, there are rumors of the birth of a special baby. There’s even talk that he could be the Messiah. In Bethlehem?

Share with the visitors the prophecy of a messiah from the Book of Isaiah verse 7:14.

There are Bethlehem veterans who will gladly share their advice on being an excellent rabbi.

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