Loving God, Loving Nashville

Loving God, Loving Nashville

Woodmont Family,

This Sunday, April 28, is Commitment Sunday for our stewardship campaign, “Loving God, Loving Nashville.” I am grateful to Martha and L.A. Galyon for their leadership on the campaign. THANK YOU to those of you who have submitted commitments and we prayerfully ask for others to do the same this Sunday.

It was inspiring to walk through the mission and outreach fair this past Sunday. Everything we do at Woodmont – worship, small groups, mission, outreach, Sunday school, youth group, music ministries, healing ministries, recovery ministries, special classes, taking care of our property, keeping our talented staff – is dependent upon our collective generosity. Jesus said, “Love God, love your neighbor.” That is what we seek to do at all times – “Seek God, Share Love, Serve Others.”

Please join me in making a commitment to supporting Woodmont for another year. We take these commitments, add them all up, and try to set a responsible budget in the coming weeks. You can submit a pledge card or send it electronically below.

With sincere gratitude for your support,

-Clay Stauffer


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