As I begin my summer sabbatical, here are my main priorities. First, to rest and recharge. Ministry can be taxing and I look forward to this designated period of rest and rejuvenation. Secondly, I want to spend quality...
On Sunday, the congregation voted to approve the leadership slate and the proposed 2024-25 operating budget. This new budget reflects a year-over-year growth of 17.7% which is phenomenal! Thank you for making our mission and ministries possible! Please...
This Sunday, we will recognize and honor all fathers and grandfathers in worship and have our congregational meeting at 10:40 AM in the sanctuary to vote on the proposed budget and leadership slate. Installation Sunday...
May has been full of graduations – high school, college, and beyond. New graduates are seeking wisdom and advice as they move ahead to life’s next chapter, whatever it may be. Graduates find themselves reflecting...
Leadership matters! It always has and it always will! Leadership matters in any local church. Leadership is not easy but everything rises and falls on leadership. Edwin Friedman said that leaders must learn to manage...
Woodmont has had a VERY strong stewardship campaign this year with a very high level of participation. Please pray for the leaders who have been nominated to serve at Woodmont in the upcoming year. The...
Once again, thank you to everybody who has made a commitment to support Woodmont’s ministries for another year as a part of our “Loving God, Loving Nashville” campaign. We have now received 444 pledges totaling...
I want to THANK EVERYBODY who has made a commitment to support Woodmont for another year. We have had a strong response through Commitment Sunday! It is still not too late to be a part...
Woodmont Family, This Sunday, April 28, is Commitment Sunday for our stewardship campaign, “Loving God, Loving Nashville.” I am grateful to Martha and L.A. Galyon for their leadership on the campaign. THANK YOU to those of you...
Social Psychologist Jonathan Haidt has just published a fascinating new book titled The Anxious Generation. He has conducted extensive research on the correlation between our young people gaining access to smartphones and social media and...