Author Archives: Clay Stauffer

Clay Stauffer

Cultural Challenges Need Moral Answers
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Cultural Challenges Need Moral Answers

In recent weeks, I have been intentionally asking different friends and colleagues what they see as the most pressing challenges facing our culture right now. Specifically, what concerns them most about our society, human interaction,...

February 14, 2022
Our Basic Need for Human Connection
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Our Basic Need for Human Connection

I spent the majority of this past week in Kansas City at a ministers conference. This was the first time I have been around a large group of ministers since the pandemic started. The stories...

February 01, 2022
Woodmont in 2022
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Woodmont in 2022

Welcome to 2022! We all hope it’s going to be better than the last two. We have started a new sermon series on Sundays called “Simply Jesus” where we are journeying through the gospel of...

January 10, 2022
Reflecting on a Tumultuous Year
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Reflecting on a Tumultuous Year

The period between Christmas and New Year’s is a time to reflect. As we close out 2021, we recognize that a lot has happened. We have experienced another painful year of living in a global...

January 03, 2022
Christmas After the Storm
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Christmas After the Storm

One week ago, one of the worst storms on record swept through the south and midwest, leaving a devastating trail of destruction. The images from Mayfield, KY, and surrounding areas are devastating. Lives lost. Homes...

December 23, 2021
Experiencing the Light of Christmas
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Experiencing the Light of Christmas

Thanksgiving has come and gone, but we should seek to maintain a spirit of gratitude. You might have noticed that once again this year, trees, wreaths, lights, and decorations started going up very early as...

November 29, 2021
Our Longing for Authentic Community
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Our Longing for Authentic Community

The face-to-face connections we have in the church matter. I hope we never take this for granted. We are living in an age of mistrust, suspicion, and alienation. It has been well documented that in...

November 18, 2021
The Dangerous Idolatry of Political Ideology
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The Dangerous Idolatry of Political Ideology

Ralph Waldo Emerson famously argued that human beings are hard-wired to worship something: “That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives and our character. Therefore, it behooves us to be careful...

November 08, 2021
Joy is What's Been Missing
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Joy is What’s Been Missing

This fall, I am teaching a class at Vanderbilt called “Morality & Happiness in a Post-Corona World.” We are exploring morality, how the pandemic has permanently altered certain aspects of our culture (workplace, school, health...

October 25, 2021