Vibrant churches are very intentional about reaching and discipling the younger generations. At Woodmont, we are doing that well. I hope we don’t take ever that for granted. Faith foundations are laid very early in...
We had a very successful ministry fair on Sunday. I want to thank everybody who worked hard to make it happen. We have so many ways for you to get plugged in to the life...
Homecoming Sunday was a great celebration kicking off the fall programming year. This week, we will have our ministry fair to help get people more engaged and plugged in to the life of our church....
Homecoming Sunday is this weekend, August 13! The Nashville Pipes and Drums will return to Woodmont. We are beginning a new sermon series called “Unashamed of the Gospel” based on Paul’s powerful letter to the...
Summer is quickly winding down, and our kids will be getting back into school very soon. Homecoming Sunday will take place on August 13 which will mark the beginning of our fall programming year. Invite...
We all enjoyed a great celebration of Woodmont’s 80th anniversary this weekend. Thanks to all who made it happen. In recent months, many articles have been published about the current state of Christianity and the...
Vision always matters and a big part of my responsibility is to always be casting it to our leaders. As we celebrate Woodmont’s 80th birthday this month (1943-2023), I want to share with you some...
We have just celebrated the birthday of our nation with fireworks, parades, cookouts, and patriotic music. We do live in a great country, although it does have its many challenges. Our Founding Fathers once said...
Every Fourth of July, we should all make an intentional effort to name the many things that we love about our nation and its great history. My list always includes faith, church, freedom, liberty, natural...
At the end of this month, Brad Gioia will retire as headmaster of Montgomery Bell Academy after twenty-nine years of faithfully leading the school. Brad came to MBA in 1994 from the Darlington School in...