Nov 2022
In less than two weeks, on Dec. 11, a forty-year Christmas tradition makes its return to Nashville and to our church. Woodmont has hosted Walk Thru Bethlehem since 1982. What started as a small live nativity scene put on by a youth group has grown and evolved into a major Nashville tradition. Thousands of people will walk through and experience what it might have felt like in Bethlehem the night Jesus was born. In the middle of the overly commercialized Green Hills, we will have a stark reminder of what Christmas is......
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Nov 2022
Nov 2022

Thanksgiving week is upon us! Thanksgiving is a time for us to slow down and count our blessings in life. We are often guilty of taking those blessings for granted. Deep down, we appreciate these things but sometimes, we start to overlook them. We get caught up in the rate race of life and find ourselves simply wanting more. Paul’s letter to the Philippians is an excellent epistle to read leading up to Thanksgiving. It is short, powerful, and inspiring. He writes in chapter four, “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever......
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Nov 2022

Over the past five years, I have had the chance to do some intentional work with high school seniors in Nashville. These are seventeen and eighteen year olds who are busy filling out college applications and preparing to make that major life transition in the near future. Along with their head of school, my primary goal is to get them to think about the bigger picture of life, matters of character, values, relationships, and to reflect upon the kind of person they want to become. In the process, I have also tried......
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Nov 2022

Leading a congregation through Covid was one of the most challenging things I have ever done. Other faith leaders that I have talked to agree. Nobody took a class in seminary focusing on church leadership during a global pandemic. Over the past two years, many ministers have retired early and many others have left the church to do something completely different. This became easy to understand when they got repeatedly criticized for holding a worship service, youth activity, or fellowship dinner. Covid brought out some of the worst behavior and divisions among......
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Nov 2022
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Nov 2022

This year, one of our MAJOR church ministries returns after a two-year hiatus due to the Covid pandemic. For 39 years now, Woodmont has been putting on Walk Thru Bethlehem for the Nashville community, and many who travel from out of town. What first started as a live nativity scene up at South Hall in 1983 put on by our youth (to honor Anne Keith) has grown and evolved into a major community event where thousands walk through the doors of our church to experience what it was like when Christ was......
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