Dec 2022

Christmas Day has now come and gone, but Christmas is only the beginning. 2022 is quickly winding down. This is a great week to reflect and set some goals I want to thank everybody who has supported Woodmont this past year! Your generosity and and presence makes our mission and ministries possible. Jesus was born in a stable and laid in a manger because there was no room for him in the inn. But I would argue that for many today, there is still no room for Jesus. We’re too busy. We’re......
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Dec 2022

Walk Thru Bethlehem was an incredible success. Thousands walked through the village to experience this amazing outreach of our church. Thank you to everybody who worked so hard this year! This week, we will ordain two of our staff members. Farrell Mason’s ordination is in the sanctuary Thursday evening at 5 p.m. and Jenny Simmons’ ordination is in the chapel Sunday at 3 p.m. Members are invited to both. We celebrate both of these incredible ladies! I have always loved the Christmas season. I love the parties, the lights, the trees, the......
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Dec 2022

Walk Thru Bethlehem week is here and the church is very busy. We are excited to bring this major ministry back this year. We are now accepting nominations for church leadership. New terms begin July 1, 2023. This is an extremely important process in the life of our church. Leadership always matters! John Maxwell says that “everything rises and falls on leadership.” He says: “PEOPLE determine the potential of the organization. RELATIONSHIPS determine the morale of the organization. STRUCTURE determines the size of the organization. VISION determines the direction of the organization.......
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