Mar 2023

In his book The Road to Character, David Brooks raises the following questions in the final chapter: • Toward what should I orient my life? • Who am I and what is my nature? • How do I mold my nature to make it gradually better day by day? • What virtues are the most important to cultivate and what weaknesses should I fear the most? • How can I raise my children with a true sense of who they are and a practical set of ideas about how to travel the......
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Mar 2023

Selfishness and self-centeredness abound in our culture, even among Christians. It is why Jesus said, “To become my follower, you must deny self, take up your cross, and follow me.” I often hear people make the case that much of today’s Christianity is not indicative of what Jesus taught and embodied. My good friend and retired minister Rubel Shelly once published an excellent book titled I Knew Jesus Before He Was a Christian… and I Liked Him Better Then. His basic claim is that the Jesus of history and the Jesus of......
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Mar 2023

Jon Gordon is an expert on the power of positive leadership. He learned the hard way that negativity doesn’t work, and he wrote an excellent book called “The Power of Positive Leadership.” I have enjoyed reading his books, blogs, and hearing some of his talks over the years. He offers incredible insight and hope to leaders in all different sectors. We all know that we live in a very cynical and negative world. All of us must make the decision to stay positive when we face adversity. Mindset and attitude always matter. ......
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