Jun 2024

On Sunday, the congregation voted to approve the leadership slate and the proposed 2024-25 operating budget. This new budget reflects a year-over-year growth of 17.7% which is phenomenal! Thank you for making our mission and ministries possible! Please pray for the individuals who have accepted new leadership roles. Installation Sunday will be on June 30 at the 11:00 AM service. During the month of June, we are talking about “Authentic Leadership & Character.” Recently, I have had conversations with our staff and elders about John Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Some of these laws are more relevant......
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Jun 2024

This Sunday, we will recognize and honor all fathers and grandfathers in worship and have our congregational meeting at 10:40 AM in the sanctuary to vote on the proposed budget and leadership slate. Installation Sunday will be June 30. We live in a very loud and busy world. Vast amounts of information are coming at us constantly thanks to our smartphones – emails, text messages, alerts, social media dings, and news updates. Our politics have become highly dysfunctional. People are out to smear each other and embarrass each other instead of working......
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