Nov 2018

Is it possible to be spiritually mature and emotionally immature? New York pastor Peter Scazzero has emphatically said no for years. In his book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, he talks about how he had to first learn this lesson the hard way. There were three factors that brought him to this realization, all of which will hit close to home for all clergy and religious leaders. First, he became frustrated, unhappy, overworked, and lost his sense of joy. He was burned out and needed a break. Second, he became angry, bitter, and depressed. ......
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Nov 2018

Every human being longs to be happy, but we all recognize that happiness is fleeting. It comes and goes. One day we are up, the next day we’re down. One day we are on top of the world, the next day, the world has run us over. Our founding fathers said that we have a God-given right to life, liberty, and the “pursuit” of happiness. Everybody enters this pursuit very differently. In his book The Happiness Hypothesis, NYU social psychologist Jonathan Haidt identifies three different theories of human happiness. The first theory is the “progress......
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