Jun 2019

It is now cliché to point out that we live in a time of deep polarization. That is stating the obvious. We have members of our church who believe Donald Trump is saving America and others who feel very differently. We have members on the far right and on the far left. They worship together on Sunday mornings and may even be in the same small group. The conversations are always interesting, lively, and yes, can become awkward. At this particular point in American history and in American Christianity, there is a......
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Jun 2019

During the month of June, we are studying Paul’s letter to the Philippians. I am encouraging everybody to read, study, and reflect upon this very powerful and timeless Epistle. Here is what I shared Sunday morning as a basic introduction and overview of the epistle: • Philippians was written by Paul around 62-63 AD when he was in prison most likely in Rome • It is perhaps the most unique of all Paul’s letters because he is not dealing with doctrinal issues but he’s basically writing a thank you letter to the......
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