May 2020

Last week, I found myself on an evening Zoom call with our church’s Board of Directors talking about how to safely allow people to return to the church building for worship in the coming weeks. As many faith leaders have already figured out, this is a very complicated conversation with many challenges. Even with strong guidance from both the Governor and Mayor, questions still remain: How many can worship at once? How far does everybody need to be apart? Are face coverings required in the building? Can there be a nursery and......
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May 2020

What a few days this has been in Nashville with the storms Sunday and Monday nights on top of ongoing COVID-19 challenges. Many of our church members still do not have power. On Monday night May 4th, the Woodmont Board met via Zoom to talk about how we can slowly begin to safely reopen the Woodmont building to our members keeping the health and well-being of our congregation as a top priority and respecting the guidelines that have been put out for worshiping communities. Given all the different factors, this is a......
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