Aug 2020
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Aug 2020

On August 7, the executive committee of Liberty University’s board announced that the school’s President, Jerry Falwell Jr., would be placed on “indefinite leave” after posting a picture on Instagram from his yacht, pants unzipped, drink in hand, with his arm around a young pregnant woman who was not his wife. This was not the first controversial act of Falwell. Back in 2015 after the San Bernardino shootings, he urged Liberty students to get carry permits so they could “end those Muslims before they walk in.” Back in May, he wore a......
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Aug 2020

This Sunday, August 23rd, is Homecoming Sunday. Obviously things look different this year because of the ongoing pandemic. We will not be packed into the building, pancakes will not be served, and the Kids Commons will not be overflowing with children running around. But I want to challenge everybody to reengage and recommit as summer winds down. We are now offering three weekly services on Sundays: Online available at 7 am, Drive in at 9 am, and a new socially distant sanctuary service at 10:30 a.m. (RSVP on website). Also, a new monthly worship service geared......
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Aug 2020

Life is still very different in so many ways. The virus has not gone away. Many kids are not back in school and are doing distance learning. It has taken its toll on marriages, families, mental health, and businesses. Recently, Arthur Brooks wrote an article in The Atlantic where he distinguishes between happiness and success and warns about what psychologists refer to as life’s “hedonic treadmill,” where satisfaction is never attained as human beings constantly race towards the next goal. Brooks says, “American culture valorizes overwork, which makes it easy to slip......
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Aug 2020

When the Covid pandemic started back in the spring, everybody assumed it would be an inconvenience for a few months and then things would return to normal in the summer. This has proven to not be the case. Life is still very different and we are all having to adapt. Back in April, Rev. Cameron Trimble who is the CEO of a church movement called “Convergence” wrote an interesting article predicting how Covid-19 would change church life. Many of these predictions have proven to be true. They include: 1) Doing church online......
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