Sep 2020

I want to continue to encourage all of you to remain engaged in the life of the church during this time. We are working very hard to carry on the mission and ministries at Woodmont during this pandemic. Lots of exciting things are happening. We are thinking outside the box. Before Covid-19 started, secularization was well underway in America. For years, church attendance has been declining, especially outside of the Bible belt. Younger generations do not seem to be as interested in organized religion as their parents and grandparents. Statistics show that......
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Sep 2020

I invite you to join us Wednesday nights for our Racial Reconciliation conversations. Here is the Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/96103564378. This series is being sponsored by Woodmont’s Task Force for Racial Reconciliation as an educational opportunity. We hope these conversations will be meaningful and beneficial. The invite is open to friends and neighbors as well. Anne Marie Farmer (our Connections Director) and I are proposing a new small group concept for this fall called “5 at 5.” We are encouraging Woodmont members to gather on porches and patios outside in small groups of......
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Sep 2020

This Sunday, September 13th, I will begin a new fall sermon series called “Common Ground: Unity in a Polarized World”. We will be studying Jesus’ most famous set of teachings known as The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapters 5-7). As you know, this is a challenging text. The bar is high. Jesus is very concerned with our hearts, motives, and our intentions. Since its inception, the Christian Church (DOC) has always been about unity. It is our polar star. We are a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. We believe......
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