Dec 2020

Somebody once said, “What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.” But this year, we have lost many lives. Over 330,000 people in our country started 2020 with absolutely no idea that a novel RNA virus would bring their life to an abrupt end. Whether they died “from” Covid-19 or “with” Covid-19 really doesn’t matter. They are no longer here. Their families are left grieving. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that life is fragile, unpredictable, and should not be taken for granted. Christmas is now over and we only have......
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Dec 2020

Christmas is only eight days away but will certainly be different this year. The pandemic is altering the way we usually experience the holidays with our friends and families. In a normal year at this time, churches would be full, parties would be rocking, families and friends would be together. This year, many will not see their loved ones except from a distance or on a digital screen. Yes, this is sad, disappointing, and hard for many of us to accept because Christmas is a time to be together and not apart.......
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Dec 2020

Advent is here, but we all know it will be different this year. We are now offering TWO Sunday morning worship services in the sanctuary – 9:15 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. This will allow us to continue our safety protocols and social distancing. We are still offering the pre-recorded service and we are livestreaming the 9:15 service online. Also, nursery and a very scaled back children’s Sunday School is now available up through second grade during the 9:15 service but you must RSVP to have a spot. Only nursery care is available......
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