Apr 2021

This Sunday, April 25, is Commitment Sunday. We are asking for our members to make a financial commitment to support the mission and ministries of the church for another year. These commitments are simply “estimates of giving” for our next church year (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022). We set the operating budget based on the results of this campaign. The Bible talks about the tithe, or 10% of what we earn should be given back to God. Not everybody has achieved that but it’s a worthy goal for all Christians.......
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Apr 2021

Many Christians and spiritual seekers severely underestimate the importance of mindset and the key role it plays in the spiritual life. Mindset and attitude are always a choice. Victor Frankl clearly argued that although we may not choose our circumstances, we can always choose how to respond. Moving beyond Easter, I see three different mindsets from which we can now choose. The first is what I call the “Good Friday Mindset.” With this approach, we are always afraid, always disappointed, disillusioned, and never satisfied. Nothing is ever good enough. Life is unfair......
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Apr 2021

I hope everybody had a wonderful Easter. It was certainly a special day at Woodmont with services held both inside and outside. I enjoyed getting to see many faces for the first time in quite a while. This Sunday, April 11th, we look forward to baptizing 25 members of our Disciples Class who have made their confessions of faith and are now joining the church. Some of them will be baptized at 9:15 and the others at 10:45 service. Please keep these young people and their families in your prayers as they......
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