May 2022

Woodmont Family, Once again this week our nation has been rocked by another mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, TX, killing 19 innocent children and two teachers. Some of us gathered on Wednesday night in the sanctuary for a time of prayer, reflection, and tears. It doesn’t seem like enough. I was a freshman in college when the Columbine massacre occurred in 1999. I remember watching the news coverage in my dorm room, completely dismayed that somebody would do such an evil thing in a school. I was fresh out of seminary when the......
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May 2022

One of the priorities that has come out of our recent visioning process is an ongoing desire for Woodmont to keep training leaders for the church and the world. Leadership matters in life. Dr. Porter Meadors, one of our elders, recently said that “humanity is beaten up, perhaps more beaten up than ever before.” At this particular point in history, we can all name the many reasons why this is true. M. Scott Peck begins his famous book The Road Less Travelled with the following words: “Life is difficult. This is a......
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May 2022

I want to thank our youth for leading worship this past Sunday. It was a joy to sit in the congregation and participate in this great tradition. We are very proud of all the graduating seniors and wish them well in college and the next chapter of life. This past Monday night, many of us gathered in Carpenter Chapel to hear the initial reports of our twelve vision task forces (Worship, Small Groups, Leadership, Mission & Outreach, Reaching 35 & Under, Healing, Children & Families, Youth, the Bridge, Congregational Care, Technology &......
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May 2022

As we press forward into May and continue our wisdom series on the book of Ecclesiastes, I want to use this article to share some personal thoughts and wisdom with the graduates in our church. This is for those graduating high school, college, or graduate school later this month, preparing to move forward into life’s next chapter. Here are ten thoughts. 1) Because you have been in school during an extended global pandemic, you have experienced the true meaning of resilience. Resilience will serve you well in every stage of life and......
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