Aug 2023

We had a very successful ministry fair on Sunday. I want to thank everybody who worked hard to make it happen. We have so many ways for you to get plugged in to the life of the church. Getting involved is part of our discipleship process. This week the Tennessee legislature is convening for a special session focused on issues of public safety. Governor Lee should be commended for calling this session even though many leaders have opposed it. Moral leadership is not easy. Our governor has shown courage in bringing these......
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Aug 2023

Homecoming Sunday was a great celebration kicking off the fall programming year. This week, we will have our ministry fair to help get people more engaged and plugged in to the life of our church. The Nashville mayoral race has now been narrowed down to two candidates for the September 14 runoff. Alice Rolli and Freddie O’Connell have emerged from a very impressive field and will square off to become the next leader of our city. The mayoral election is supposed to be non-partisan, but many act surprised when a more conservative......
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Aug 2023

Homecoming Sunday is this weekend, August 13! The Nashville Pipes and Drums will return to Woodmont. We are beginning a new sermon series called “Unashamed of the Gospel” based on Paul’s powerful letter to the Romans. This is certainly one of the most important theological books in the Bible written by Paul to a community that he hoped to visit. This Sunday, we are also kicking off our youth and children’s programming for the year as well as offering new small group sign-ups for the fall. One of the best parts about......
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Aug 2023

Summer is quickly winding down, and our kids will be getting back into school very soon. Homecoming Sunday will take place on August 13 which will mark the beginning of our fall programming year. Invite a friend or family to come to worship with you that day! All of our children will move up to their new grade level and we will welcome the Nashville Pipes and Drums back to worship. Youth ministry programming will also kick off that evening. This is always a special day in the life of our church.......
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