May 2019

Last Saturday night, country music star Eric Church took the stage in downtown Nashville at the Titans stadium as a part of his “Double-Down Tour.” He broke Taylor Swift’s attendance record for a concert at Nissan Stadium. One of his new songs is called “Some of It.” It accurately tells the story about the many different ways we learn timeless lessons in life: “Some of it… you learn the hard way. Some of it… you read on the page. Some of it… comes from heartbreak. Most of it… comes with age. None......
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May 2019

Megan and I recently took a special trip celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary. We spent time reflecting on how much our lives have changed since May of 2009, three kids being the most obvious. Marriage remains a very important institution in our culture but one that takes ongoing effort, sacrifice, and intentionality. Psychologist John Gottman, known as “the dean of marriage scholars,” says this: “Happy marriages are based on deep friendship, mutual respect for and enjoyment of each other’s company. These couples tend to know each other intimately – likes, dislikes, personality......
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May 2019

THANK YOU to everybody who has made a commitment to support Woodmont’s mission and ministry for another year. We have had a very strong response and now we are moving into the follow up phase of our campaign. You can still email your pledge to Chris Beck [email protected]. We set our operating budget every year based on these commitments. The new church year runs July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020. Last week, I attended the funeral for real estate developer Jimmy Webb. Jimmy was a friend, a great man, born and......
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