Dec 2021

How was my weekend? It was the evening of Friday, December 10th. The TV channels were buzzing with warnings of potential storms. We saw and we heard the warnings, but were we really listening? Saturday, 3AM: the weather alarm jolts us out of bed. We flipped on the TV. Reports were already starting to filter in. Arkansas: a tornado hit a senior center. Tennessee: tornadoes had touched down near Reelfoot Lake. Then…Mayfield, KY. Direct hit, people trapped in a candle factory. Initial estimates were that 40 people may have died. Minutes later......
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Dec 2021

One week ago, one of the worst storms on record swept through the south and midwest, leaving a devastating trail of destruction. The images from Mayfield, KY, and surrounding areas are devastating. Lives lost. Homes wiped out. Church buildings destroyed. Businesses gone. With one week left until Christmas, what are these folks supposed to do? Where can they turn to find hope and peace this Christmas? An undeniable reality of the human experience is that pain and suffering are inevitable. Life is very fragile. The most difficult part of any minister’s job......
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