Apr 2022

I want to thank everybody who has made a commitment to support the mission and ministries of Woodmont for another year. We’ve had a strong response but we still have a ways to go to reach our goal. It’s still not too late to make a commitment. Click HERE to do so. Thank you again for your generosity! When baptizing Montgomery on Sunday, I got choked up. Why? I’m not completely sure. Maybe it was because she is the first of my own children that I get to baptize. Maybe it was......
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Apr 2022

One of the greatest truths in life is that our mindset, attitude, and outlook is completely our choice. Some understand this, but many do not. We don’t always choose our circumstances or what might come our way, but we always get to choose how we will respond or not respond. This Easter season, it occurs to me that there are three basic ways we can choose to live. The first way is to be “perpetually disappointed.” Life is always a burden. You are always the victim. Nothing ever seems fair. You can......
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Apr 2022

Our world needs Easter. We’ve been through a brutal pandemic, political upheaval, racial tension, and we continue to watch innocent people being killed every day in Ukraine from a senseless invasion. We all long for the promise and hope of Easter. I once had a conversation with a prominent therapist in town who told me that most of the clients he sees come into his office at 5 pm on the Saturday before Easter. He did not mean that literally, but metaphorically. Life is full of Saturdays. The worst has happened. Plans......
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Apr 2022

This Sunday, we will officially launch our spring stewardship campaign. The theme this year is “Choosing Generosity” with I Tim 6:17-19 being our text. I am grateful to Alex and Polly Ryerson for serving as our chairs this year. Commitment Sunday will be the week after Easter (April 24th), the same day we baptize our disciples class. You can turn in your commitment card any time in April. Every spring, we ask our members to make a commitment to support Woodmont for another year (beginning July 1). We then take these commitments......
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