May 2023
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May 2023

It was a joy to watch our youth lead worship on Youth Sunday. “Take a Little with You” is a great Woodmont tradition! I am very proud of all of them, especially our seniors who brought the messages. These young people are graduating and preparing to move on to college. I know their families are experiencing many emotions right now. Here are some thoughts to consider during this major life transition. Change is inevitable, but growth is optional. Everything in life changes but we get to decide whether or not we will......
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May 2023

It has now been seven weeks since the tragic shooting at Covenant School that rocked our community. The grieving and healing process continues in Nashville and in our families. Ribbons remain on the mailboxes as summer draws near. Next Monday night, May 22, we are hosting a special event in our sanctuary called “After Covenant” to continue the conversation about gun safety in our communities. I will be joined by two friends, former Senator Majority Leader Bill Frist and Vanderbilt trauma surgeon Dr. Alex Jahangir. All three of us care deeply about......
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May 2023

M. Scott Peck begins his famous book The Road Less Travelled with the following words: “Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. Once we truly see this truth, we can transcend it.” So if life is difficult, then we can safely say that leadership is very difficult. Leadership is not for the faint of heart. It takes passion, conviction, nerve, thick skin, and resilience. Tony Jarvis says this about leadership in his classic book With Love and Prayers: “Leaders are caught in a catch-22. If a......
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May 2023

I want to THANK everybody who has made a commitment to support Woodmont’s mission and ministries for another year. We have had a very strong response and are now moving into the follow-up phase of the campaign. You can click here to make your commitment quickly and conveniently online. Thank you for your generosity. Every commitment makes a difference. This Sunday, May 7, we will begin a new sermon series on healing. An undeniable reality of being human is that pain and suffering are inevitable. We all hurt. We all suffer. We......
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