Oct 2023

We continue to emphasize Wednesday nights as a time of fellowship, connection, and faith formation. I encourage you to come and be a part of these special events. Here is what is happening the next three Wednesday nights in November. Wednesday, Nov, 1, at 6:15 PM – We will welcome Scott Allender to speak on the “Enneagram and Emotional Intelligence.” Scott is leading our staff retreat that morning and then will be with us on Wednesday night in the chapel to speak to the church. The Enneagram is simply a personality tool......
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Oct 2023

We continue to pray for the difficult situation in the Middle East, Israel, and Gaza. We will be praying for all involved in the chapel tonight before our panel. Between now and Thanksgiving Sunday, we are going to begin a new sermon series focusing on Paul’s impactful letter to the Philippians. Philippians has always been one of my favorite letters of the Bible. I encourage you to read, study, and reflect upon this powerful Epistle. Here is a brief intro: • It was written by Paul around 63 AD when he was......
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Oct 2023

Early Saturday morning, sirens went off in southern and central Israel. The militant group, Hamas, backed by Iran and known for terrorism, launched thousands of missiles and then breached the Gaza border. Hundreds of innocent lives were taken, including nine Americans. Buildings imploded like on 9/11. Many hostages were also taken. Israel has the right to protect itself so now we have a full-fledged war in Israel. Retaliation for these attacks is well underway. Why this? Why now? What can be done? The history of war and conflict in this region is......
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Oct 2023

A recent Gallup article reported that 47% of Americans identify as religious, 33% identify as spiritual, and 2% identify as both. The pandemic certainly did not do Christianity any favors except for the fact that many church services are now readily available on livestream. You can now worship in your pajamas while eating breakfast on the couch. However, watching a livestream is certainly not the same as being physically present with the community. Many people long for peace in their lives, but technology now presents a whole new set of challenges and......
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