Author Archives: Clay Stauffer

Clay Stauffer

in News

Christianity & Immigration

Over the past week, I have had a number of church members reach out to me in various ways (emails, texts, phone calls) regarding what is happening in our country pertaining to immigration and the...

June 26, 2018
in News

Finding Resilience in the Face of Pain

I believe in certain truths that are universal for almost all human beings. First, we all want to be loved, appreciated, and respected. Second, we all search for meaning and purpose in our lives and...

June 12, 2018
in News

Spiritual Insight for Graduates

May is a month full of graduations, commencements, or “new beginnings.” Graduates are seeking wisdom and guidance as they move ahead to life’s next chapter and venture into the unknown future. A good starting point...

May 15, 2018
in News

Accepting the Challenge of Personal Growth

It has been a difficult week for the city of Nashville. The resignation of a mayor is fairly unprecedented. Our city certainly needs prayers and healing. Whenever a scandal dominates the news, it becomes convenient...

March 13, 2018
in News

Being a Dad

Of the many hats that I am blessed to wear, I believe the most important one by far is being a husband and a father. Megan and I have three children: Montgomery (7), Clayton (6),...

February 20, 2018
in News

Rules for Life

Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist and a professor at the University of Toronto, has just published a new book titled 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos. I am only a few chapters in...

February 06, 2018