
Jul 2018

We now find ourselves living in an age where many consider themselves “spiritual but not religious.” There are many reasons why people feel this way: church seems boring; they’ve been hurt by organized religion; there’s a clear disconnect between Jesus and those who claim to follow him; there are alternative ways to find community; there is a lack of trust in religious institutions; people have used the church to push political agendas. It is common knowledge now that the fastest-growing religious group in our culture happens to be the “nones” – those......

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Jun 2018

Over the past week, I have had a number of church members reach out to me in various ways (emails, texts, phone calls) regarding what is happening in our country pertaining to immigration and the southern border. As you might expect, these members do not all share the same views on this topic. On Sunday, I made the comment that if this was a simple topic with an easy solution, it would have been solved a long time ago. It is not simple. Both Democratic Administrations (Carter, Clinton, Obama) and Republican Administrations......

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Jun 2018

I came across this article by Doug Powe and Ann A. Michel earlier this month and I found it fascinating as we prepare to install our new leaders this coming Sunday. I think these trends are well worth sharing and taking time for reflection. 1. Changes in church attendance patterns Since 2001, worship attendance had been trending downward in many denominations, following a modest rebound in the 1990s. And declining worship attendance now plagues evangelical and Catholic churches in addition to the mainline. One contributing factor seems to be that “regular attenders”......

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Jun 2018

I believe in certain truths that are universal for almost all human beings. First, we all want to be loved, appreciated, and respected. Second, we all search for meaning and purpose in our lives and we want our lives to matter and make a difference. Third, we all seek to form and sustain meaningful relationships with other people because we are social creatures by our very nature. Fourth, we all want to experience happiness, however, we understand that concept. Fifth, we all have to deal with pain, disappointment, and heartache no matter......

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May 2018

May is a month full of graduations, commencements, or “new beginnings.” Graduates are seeking wisdom and guidance as they move ahead to life’s next chapter and venture into the unknown future. A good starting point might be to avoid Mahatma Gandhi’s seven blunders of the world: wealth without work; pleasure without conscience; knowledge without character; commerce without morality; science without humanity; religion without sacrifice; politics without principle. Living by the Golden Rule can serve any person well. But here are some additional reflections for the journey ahead: • Life is a gift......

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Apr 2018

One of the reasons we financially support the church is because we believe in the importance of community. Christianity is a faith that is practiced in community, in relationship with others. These faith-based relationships are some of the most meaningful connections we will have in life. This is very important for a variety of reasons. Social isolation, loneliness, anxiety, and depression are growing challenges in the twenty-first century. Harvard sociologist Robert Putnam first identified the early warning signs almost twenty years ago in his groundbreaking book Bowling Alone: the Collapse and Revival......

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Mar 2018

Billy Graham passed away peacefully on February 21, 2012, at his family home in Montreat, NC at the age of 99. Many have referred to him as the most influential preacher since the Apostle Paul. That would be difficult to argue. An advisor to twelve different US Presidents, Graham traveled the world preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in stadiums and arenas on multiple continents. There are many lessons we can learn from the life of Billy Graham. First, he was committed to the Bible. He believed that the Bible speaks God’s......

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Mar 2018

It has been a difficult week for the city of Nashville. The resignation of a mayor is fairly unprecedented. Our city certainly needs prayers and healing. Whenever a scandal dominates the news, it becomes convenient and easy to focus on the problems of others. But Lent is actually a time of self-reflection and personal growth, reminiscent of Jesus’ time in the wilderness. In our culture, many are simply not up for the challenge. Why? Personal growth is difficult and coming to terms with our own shortcomings and character flaws is always uncomfortable.......

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Feb 2018

Last Wednesday, a grieving father stood before President Trump at the White House and with anger and rage in his voice asked, “How many children have to be shot in this country before we do something? I’m here today because my daughter has no voice. She was murdered last week, taken from us, shot nine times.” That same night, Senator Marco Rubio walked into a heated town hall gathering in Sunrise, FL where he faced the same question from parents, family, and surviving students of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas......

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Feb 2018

Of the many hats that I am blessed to wear, I believe the most important one by far is being a husband and a father. Megan and I have three children: Montgomery (7), Clayton (6), and Wade (19 months). They are each unique in their own way. Somebody once said that when it comes to parenting, “the days are long but the years are fast!” I can certainly relate to that sentiment. Sometimes it is hard to believe that the time goes by as quickly as it does. I try to spend......

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