Jan 2022

The length of the pandemic has been very hard on churches and faith communities. Some communities have been able to innovate through technology, adaptive leadership, and new approaches. Others have struggled in many ways. Sadly, many churches in America have been forced to close. Covid has certainly offered a reset opportunity for all congregations and church leaders. Here are some key church trends to watch in 2022. 1. Churches that maintain a focus on Jesus Christ will continue to change lives, offer hope, and provide healing. When churches move away from Jesus,......
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Jan 2022

We are accepting leadership nominations at Woodmont for two more weeks. Here is the link to nominate. Woodmont has a great history of strong leadership, and we are grateful for that. I recently recommended a book titled “Tempered Resilience” by Tod Bolsinger to our leaders which talks about how leaders are shaped and formed during challenging times. We have certainly been living in challenging times. Leading any organization in normal times is never easy. Leaders are criticized, second-guessed, doubted, projected upon, blamed, ridiculed, and much more. Leading over the past two years......
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Jan 2022

Welcome to 2022! We all hope it’s going to be better than the last two. We have started a new sermon series on Sundays called “Simply Jesus” where we are journeying through the gospel of Matthew. Matthew is the first gospel of the New Testament and the most Jewish of the gospels. We are now offering our Seeking, Sharing, Serving Class on Wednesday nights at 6 p.m. in the chapel. In 2022, our three focus areas at Woodmont will be Worship, Small Groups, and Hands-on Mission. January is an excellent time to......
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Jan 2022

The period between Christmas and New Year’s is a time to reflect. As we close out 2021, we recognize that a lot has happened. We have experienced another painful year of living in a global pandemic. American deaths have surpassed 800,000. We endured January 6th, which was one of the most bizarre and surreal events in the history of our nation. Regardless of your politics, right or left, that event should be a wake-up call for our democracy. Parker Palmer draws on the words of Abraham Lincoln and says this: “If American......
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