Author Archives: Clay Stauffer

Clay Stauffer

Religion & The Pursuit of Happiness
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Religion & The Pursuit of Happiness

Years ago, Arthur Brooks gave a TED talk where he shared insight on the key to achieving happiness. That talk has now been viewed over seven hundred thousand times on YouTube. He argues that happiness...

October 27, 2019
We Are All “Under Construction”
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We Are All “Under Construction”

In his excellent book The Road to Character, David Brooks raises the following questions in the final chapter: • Toward what should I orient my life? • Who am I and what is my nature?...

October 09, 2019
Rethinking Happiness, Values, and Success
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Rethinking Happiness, Values, and Success

This fall, I am teaching an undergraduate course at Vanderbilt focusing on the notion of success and the American Dream, a concept defined in many different ways.  We started the semester with some basic working...

September 30, 2019
The Enneagram and Relationships
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The Enneagram and Relationships

On Wednesday nights, we are starting a brand-new series with Hunter Mobley focusing on “The Enneagram and Relationships.” Dinner will be at 5:30 and his talk will begin at 6:15 pm. This will take place...

September 25, 2019
Religion, Hope, and the American Dream
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Religion, Hope, and the American Dream

Columbia University professor Andrew Delbanco published a fascinating book in 1999 titled The Real American Dream: A Meditation on Hope. In the book, he gives a spiritual history of our nation and how each generation...

August 29, 2019
The Lost Art of Peacemaking
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The Lost Art of Peacemaking

In his most famous sermon, Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” To that, he added, “If you are angry at a brother or sister, you will be...

August 22, 2019
5 Things You Need to Know
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5 Things You Need to Know

Summer is winding down, and we are finally getting ready to break ground on our new building. August 18th will be a very BIG DAY in the life of our church as it will be...

July 30, 2019