
Oct 2024
Try Living by These Core Principles

It’s been said before that life is twenty percent the hand you are dealt and eighty percent how you play that hand. What we all recognize is that wise living requires making good decisions and responding to unforeseen circumstances as you go. Most of the world’s religions offer guidance on what it means to live a meaningful and purposeful life. This might not be the same for everybody but is it possible to boil that wisdom down into certain core principles? Here is my humble attempt to do that. 1.  Live by......

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Oct 2024
New Series - The Life of Moses

This Sunday, October 27, we will begin a brand new sermon series focused on “The Life of Moses.” Moses is a pivotal figure in the Old Testament, called by God to lead the Israelite people out of slavery in Egypt, through the wilderness, and to the Promised Land. He was given up by his mother at three months old because Pharoah was putting all newborn baby boys to death. Ironically, he was discovered by Pharoah’s daughter floating in the Nile River and raised in Pharoah’s house with his own mother being brought......

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Oct 2024
Being “Christian” in an Election Year

This Wednesday night, October 9, we will conclude our “Faith, Values, and the Public Square” series with a panel of ministers talking about “Being Christian in an Election Year.” This is a difficult yet very important topic. The civil and political landscape in America remains fractured and polarized, affecting every aspect of our culture including the unity of the church. Christians have a responsibility to model and be advocates for civil dialogue among people of different backgrounds and political ideologies. The anger and incivility of our culture has become a challenge that......

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Oct 2024
Balancing the Ego & Soul

I recently preached a sermon on the importance of humility because I believe it is a Christian virtue. If you read the gospels carefully, it appears that Jesus lived a humble life. But why is humility often lacking among so many Christians in today’s world? Yes, we all want to be admired. We all want to be appreciated. We all want to be heard and respected. But pride and ego can so easily get in the way. Everything in our culture seems to be moving towards self-absorption and self-promotion. We hear, “Put......

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Sep 2024
Dealing with Life's Disappointments

Rabbi Harold Kushner once wrote a powerful book titled Overcoming Life’s Disappointments. The book is based on the story of Moses, a pivotal figure in the Hebrew Bible. We can learn a great deal from Moses’ life and the many disappointments he had to face when leading the Israelites through the wilderness. He persevered and pressed forward despite ongoing setbacks, inconveniences, and frustrations. Kushner asks, “What if we could be like Moses in our ability to overcome disappointments, frustrations, and the denial of our dreams? What if we could learn from Moses......

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Sep 2024
Christianity's Challenge in the West

Teacher, writer, and pastor John Mark Comer recently published a fascinating book titled Practicing the Way. His basic claim is that many people in our culture are Christians, but a much lower percentage of those Christians are actually serious about being disciples, or apprentices, of Jesus. He says, “Apprenticeship to Jesus – following Jesus – is a whole life process of being with Jesus for the purpose of becoming like him and carrying on his work in the world. It’s a lifelong journey in which we gradually learn to say and do......

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Sep 2024
Jim Nantz Kicks Off “Faith & Values” Series!

Legendary CBS sports broadcaster Jim Nantz will be our special guest on Wednesday night at 6:15 to kick off our fall series “Faith, Values, and the Public Square.”  Jim and I will talk about his many accomplishments in sports broadcasting, his close relationship with President George H. W. Bush, September 11th, the need for civility, and how sports can unite a divided world.  If you have never heard Jim speak before, you should certainly come.  This will be a very special evening at Woodmont and one you don’t want to miss!  Jim......

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Sep 2024
Forming Moral Leaders for the 21st Century

My undergraduate course at Vanderbilt this fall is titled “Moral Leadership, Virtue, and Character in American Life.” Human institutions and systems are unable to function effectively without formal leadership. However, if those chosen to lead do not have character and moral authority, then their leadership will prove to be problematic over time. This fall we are exploring the concept of moral leadership in our culture and how it always involves certain core pillars including finding a purpose, the ability to inspire and care for others, claiming personal values, and the willingness to......

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