
May 2024
New Series - "Anxious For Nothing"

Once again, thank you to everybody who has made a commitment to support Woodmont’s ministries for another year as a part of our “Loving God, Loving Nashville” campaign. We have now received 444 pledges totaling $3,723,658. This is an increase from this past year. We are winding down this campaign and our finance committee will be meeting soon to set the operating budget. Thank you for your generosity and support! It makes a big difference in the life of our church. This Sunday, we will honor all of our mothers and grandmothers......

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May 2024
Life Moves Fast So Know What Matters!

I want to THANK EVERYBODY who has made a commitment to support Woodmont for another year. We have had a strong response through Commitment Sunday! It is still not too late to be a part of this campaign “Loving God, Loving Nashville.”  You can still click here to make your commitment online. Every commitment makes a difference and helps us set a responsible budget. We want as many to participate as possible. We are looking forward to our youth leading worship this Sunday, May 5, and to some of our graduating seniors......

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Apr 2024
Loving God, Loving Nashville

Woodmont Family, This Sunday, April 28, is Commitment Sunday for our stewardship campaign, “Loving God, Loving Nashville.” I am grateful to Martha and L.A. Galyon for their leadership on the campaign. THANK YOU to those of you who have submitted commitments and we prayerfully ask for others to do the same this Sunday. It was inspiring to walk through the mission and outreach fair this past Sunday. Everything we do at Woodmont – worship, small groups, mission, outreach, Sunday school, youth group, music ministries, healing ministries, recovery ministries, special classes, taking care of our property, keeping......

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Apr 2024
Authenticity in a Social Media World

Social Psychologist Jonathan Haidt has just published a fascinating new book titled The Anxious Generation. He has conducted extensive research on the correlation between our young people gaining access to smartphones and social media and the devastating effects it is having on their mental health. Depression, anxiety, exclusion, and suicidal ideations have all risen drastically in recent years. The data is clear. We are all aware of this, but we don’t seem to know what to do about it. It is also affecting adults. Social media has exacerbated envy, social comparison, and......

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Apr 2024
Living with Gratitude & Generosity

What an honor to celebrate the baptisms of our disciples class on Sunday! I am so thankful and happy for this special group of young people in our church. The month of April is a time for all of us to think about what it means to give back and make a difference. During our 2024 stewardship campaign “Loving God, Loving Nashville,” we are asking Woodmont families to make a commitment to support the church mission for another year (July 2024 through June 2025). We seem to live in a culture with......

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Mar 2024
Living in the Hope of Easter

One year ago, our community was devastated when the unthinkable happened on a normal Monday morning. The Covenant shooting rocked Nashville. Three innocent children went to school and didn’t return home to their families. Three respected educators also tragically lost their lives while doing what they loved. Our town was brought to its knees. Words felt inadequate. Yet we saw firsthand how the worst of humanity has a way of bringing out the best of humanity. Out of death comes resurrection even if the pain never goes away. Not all Christians live......

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Mar 2024
Changing Lives in Guatemala

I wrote this column from my bunk bed in San Lucas Toliman, Guatemala, where our church has been involved in significant mission and ministry for many years. We have been able to build 67 houses (6 more on the way) and sponsor over 400 children and seniors over the years. Being here is both inspiring and heartbreaking at the same time. Thirty-one of us made the trip last week. In a country that has immense third-world poverty and many basic challenges, certain questions always run through my mind when I am here.......

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Mar 2024
Our Search for Meaning

This weekend, I will be joining 30 other Woodmonters for a mission trip to Guatemala. This is the first family trip that we have ever offered to that country. Please keep our group in your prayers in the coming days. I am excited to show Megan and my kids what Woodmont has accomplished in that country. We have now funded and constructed 67 houses and we have sponsored around 375 children and seniors giving them a chance to go to school, get an education, and have some basic necessities for life. I......

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