
Oct 2017

On Sunday, we focused on spiritual growth and formation and we talked about “Five Basic Spiritual Moves” that all of us should try to make. First, from fear to love. Second, from sorrow to joy. Third, from turmoil to peace. Fourth, from coldness to kindness. And fifth, from resentment to gratitude. Nouwen describes spiritual formation this way: “Spiritual formation prepares us for a life in which we move away from our fears, compulsions, resentments, and sorrows, to serve with joy and courage in the world, even when this leads us to places......

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Oct 2017

It’s happened again, only worse than the last time. Last Sunday night, 22,000 people were enjoying the final night of a country music festival on the Vegas strip excited to hear Jason Aldean when they became open targets for a sick, deranged man shooting from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay resort and casino. These were sons and daughters, husbands and wives, children and grandchildren, good people living their lives. Now many of those lives are over with their families grieving and picking up the broken pieces. Fifty-nine are dead, over......

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Sep 2017

Recently, I sat around the table with about twenty seasoned men from our church who meet every Monday. Most of them are now retired and in their seventies or eighties. I was interested in picking their brains about life and what they have learned and experienced throughout the years. I am convinced that many in the younger generations do not take the time to soak up wisdom from those who now have the advantage of reflecting back upon their life. They have fought the battles, learned the lessons, and have the scars......

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