
Jun 2020
Returning to the Sanctuary

The Woodmont Board met on Monday night, June 8, and approved a 2020-21 operating budget that is now being presented to the congregation. The details are in this Inspire. The budget is essentially a flat budget from this current fiscal year. There will be a Congregational Meeting following the drive-in worship service on Sunday, June 21, at 10 AM. At that time, the congregation will vote on both the leadership slate and the operating budget. Please reach out beforehand if you have any questions, concerns, or need clarification. Installation of the new......

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Jun 2020
Pain In Our Country

On Memorial Day, May 25, an unarmed African American man named George Floyd was taken into police custody in Minneapolis, MN. We have all now seen the horrific video footage of the officer who did not remove his knee from Floyd’s neck for over eight minutes, causing him to tragically lose his life. This has led to justifiable outrage and anger across our nation. It has led to mass protests, demonstrations, riots, looting, and now the burning of American cities. This is all very sad and hard to watch. I want to......

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Jun 2020
Spiritual Wisdom for the Class of 2020

In my undergraduate class this past fall at Vanderbilt, I had a number of ambitious seniors who were all looking forward to graduation, law school, moving to larger cities and entering what was then a red hot job market. Times have drastically changed, and they have now graduated into a starkly different reality. I have been thinking about them in recent weeks. What advice and wisdom can we give our young people who are moving on to the next stage of life in the midst of a global health pandemic that has......

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May 2020
How Coronavirus Will Continue to Impact Christianity

Last week, I found myself on an evening Zoom call with our church’s Board of Directors talking about how to safely allow people to return to the church building for worship in the coming weeks. As many faith leaders have already figured out, this is a very complicated conversation with many challenges. Even with strong guidance from both the Governor and Mayor, questions still remain: How many can worship at once? How far does everybody need to be apart? Are face coverings required in the building? Can there be a nursery and......

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May 2020
Drive-in services 9:30 & 10:45 A.M. this Sunday

What a few days this has been in Nashville with the storms Sunday and Monday nights on top of ongoing COVID-19 challenges. Many of our church members still do not have power. On Monday night May 4th, the Woodmont Board met via Zoom to talk about how we can slowly begin to safely reopen the Woodmont building to our members keeping the health and well-being of our congregation as a top priority and respecting the guidelines that have been put out for worshiping communities. Given all the different factors, this is a......

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Apr 2020
Stay Connected

These times are difficult. There’s no way around that fact. The COVID-19 virus has upended many lives and has been the cause of much fear and distress. It also presents a real quandary – we need community and connection and support right now, but we must curtail our face to face interactions dramatically in order to protect our community. At Woodmont, we are developing new ways to connect, to worship, and to reach out to each other. We don’t know how long these weeks of quarantine will last and social distancing can......

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Apr 2020
Holding Steady During Quarantine

Considerable research has gone into providing charts, graphs, and diagrams of how we can “flatten the curve,” keep hospitals from being overloaded and prevent a health care catastrophe in our community. All of this has been very necessary, valuable, and appreciated. Social distancing seems to be working well. In multiple cities and communities, there is a “breaking point” in the health care system that we have been trying desperately to avoid. It is directly tied to available hospital beds, physicians, ventilators, ad protective gear. However, I would argue that there is another......

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Apr 2020
Top 5 Parenting Tips for Kids & COVID-19

#1 RAISE YOUR ANTENNAE. Many kids have internal antennae that are more sensitive than we think. If a notable amount of anxiety is in their environment, they will know. They will sense it, feel it, and sometimes absorb it. So, the first thing to do is to raise your own antennae and be mindful of the environment. Can the news be heard throughout the house? Do they overhear your worried conversation with your sister? Can they see dad fretting about the market? While not sticking your head in the sand, which is......

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Apr 2020
A Virtual Holy Week

There is a tendency in our culture to skip directly from the celebration of Palm Sunday to the celebration of Easter. Actually, let’s be completely honest: there is a tendency on the part of many to simply celebrate Christmas and Easter and that’s all. High Holy days are wonderful but there is so much more to the Christian faith. According to John’s Gospel, so much happened in Jerusalem the days between Palm Sunday and Easter that should not be overlooked. Phillip Reif, a psychologist at the University of Chicago, once said, “Any......

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