
Jun 2019
Philippians: More Than Happiness

During the month of June, we are studying Paul’s letter to the Philippians. I am encouraging everybody to read, study, and reflect upon this very powerful and timeless Epistle. Here is what I shared Sunday morning as a basic introduction and overview of the epistle: • Philippians was written by Paul around 62-63 AD when he was in prison most likely in Rome • It is perhaps the most unique of all Paul’s letters because he is not dealing with doctrinal issues but he’s basically writing a thank you letter to the......

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May 2019
Timeless Lessons on the Road of Life

Last Saturday night, country music star Eric Church took the stage in downtown Nashville at the Titans stadium as a part of his “Double-Down Tour.” He broke Taylor Swift’s attendance record for a concert at Nissan Stadium. One of his new songs is called “Some of It.” It accurately tells the story about the many different ways we learn timeless lessons in life: “Some of it… you learn the hard way. Some of it… you read on the page. Some of it… comes from heartbreak. Most of it… comes with age. None......

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May 2019
Healthy Marriage in a Lonely Culture

Megan and I recently took a special trip celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary. We spent time reflecting on how much our lives have changed since May of 2009, three kids being the most obvious. Marriage remains a very important institution in our culture but one that takes ongoing effort, sacrifice, and intentionality. Psychologist John Gottman, known as “the dean of marriage scholars,” says this: “Happy marriages are based on deep friendship, mutual respect for and enjoyment of each other’s company. These couples tend to know each other intimately – likes, dislikes, personality......

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May 2019
Life's Second Mountain

THANK YOU to everybody who has made a commitment to support Woodmont’s mission and ministry for another year. We have had a very strong response and now we are moving into the follow up phase of our campaign. You can still email your pledge to Chris Beck We set our operating budget every year based on these commitments. The new church year runs July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020. Last week, I attended the funeral for real estate developer Jimmy Webb. Jimmy was a friend, a great man, born and......

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Apr 2019
Leaving Anger, Bitterness, and Resentment Behind

I was recently conversing with a well-respected marriage and family therapist here in Nashville. He has been in private practice for decades and has counseled numerous couples and families through infidelity, mistrust, suicidal ideations, alcoholism, addiction, financial disaster, and the unwanted challenge of children who decide to not grow up. We were discussing the attitude of the older brother in the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15) and how he became filled with jealousy and anger, bitterness and resentment when his younger brother returned home and his father threw a massive......

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Apr 2019
Sustaining Generosity

We are officially kicking off our spring stewardship campaign with the theme “Sustaining Generosity.” Paul writes in II Corinthians 9: “Those who sow sparingly will also reap sparingly; those who sow generously will also reap generously…the Lord loves a cheerful giver.” Mark and Kasey Clymer will be our chairs this year and I am grateful for their leadership and passion. The stewardship campaign is different from the capital campaign. The stewardship campaign happens every April and it funds the basic ministries and operations of the church. Here are some of the reasons......

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Mar 2019
An Antidote for Our Culture of Contempt

In Luke 6, referred to as the Sermon on the Plain, Jesus says this: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.” These words are familiar among Christians, but much more difficult to live out. Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, has released a brand new book titled “Love Your Enemies: How Decent People Can Save America from the Culture of Contempt.” This book is very timely and relevant. Brooks’ main thesis is that we now live in......

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Mar 2019
Jesus and the Moral Life

We have entered the Season of Lent, the forty-day period leading up to Easter, reminiscent of the time Jesus spent alone in the wilderness before his public ministry.  It is a season of soul searching, penitence, and spiritual growth. If we are honest, we will admit that inner work and personal growth is challenging.  Pointing out the flaws in others is much easier to do but is often a convenient way to avoid examining our own hearts and lives.  Judgment and blame is far too common in this culture.  Jesus offers a......

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Mar 2019
Building For Our Future

We are continuing to make significant progress towards breaking ground on our new addition this summer. The construction committee is meeting regularly with Centric (our architect) and Batten and Shaw (our contractor). We are still aiming to break ground in May or June. The vision that the congregation embraced this fall with a very successful capital campaign is still very much needed. Our children’s classrooms are overcrowded (a nice problem to have). The Bridge has grown significantly and will be ready to move to the new chapel so we can utilize the......

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